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Short   'Conversation Templates,' Dutch Talk
On my website you can hear about 8000 phrases and sentences, some from classic books and poems, some from my own writing, and some from the Bible, for instance:
Denkend aan Holland zie ik brede rivieren
traag door oneindig laagland gaan, click to hear When I think of Holland I see wide rivers flow slowly in boundless lowlands, - Henk Marsman: Herinnering aan Holland Behalve de man, die de Sarphatistraat de mooiste plek van Europa vond, heb ik nooit een wonderlijker kerel gekend dan de uitvreter. click to
      hear Except for the man who thought the Amsterdam Sarphatistraat the most beautiful spot in Europe, I've never known a more peculiar person than the scrounger. - Nescio: De Uitvreter Aan de vruchten kent men de boom click to hear 2 'By its fruit the tree is known' (Proverbs 9:17) De geest is gewillig, maar 't vlees is zwak click to hear 2 3 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41)
But my 'Conversation Templates' could be more useful in everyday life:
Ik zou wel eens willen weten ... click to hear 2 I would like to know [sometime] ...
Gaat 't morgen regenen? click to hear 2 Is it going to rain tomorrow?
Wat zegt het weerbericht? click to hear 2 What does the weather report say?
een te groot risico click to hear too great a risk
een heel klein beetje click to hear 2 a very small amount, very little
Hoe laat is het? click to hear 2 What's the time? What time is it?
Hoe is 't mogelijk? click to hear 2 3 How is it possible? How can it be?
Het is bijna klaar click to hear It's almost ready
Ik vind 't te duur click to hear 2 3 I [find] think it's too expensive
Dat had ik niet verwacht click to hear 2 3 I had not expected that
Mag ik U iets vragen? click to hear 2 3 [May I ...] Could I ask you something?
Ik heb een heleboel vragen click to hear 2 3 I have a lot of questions
Hoe doe je dat? click to hear How do you do that?
Hoe heb je dat gedaan? click to hear How did you do that?
Ik wil Nederlands leren click to hear 2 3 I want to learn Dutch
Hoe zeg je dat in het Nederlands? click to hear 2 How do you say that in Dutch?
Ik heb een afspraak om acht uur click to hear 2 3 I have an 8 o'clock appointment
Ik kijk uit naar de feestdagen click to hear I'm looking forward to the holidays
Ik ben over een uur weer thuis click to hear 2 3 4 I'll be back home in an hour

The 'Conversation Templates,' Dutch Talk pages:
Everyday Common Short Phrases - Meet and Greet - Basic Phrases
Speaking Dutch, Talking about Dutch - Weather - Food, Cooking and Eating - Drinks - Travel - Sleep - Jobs and Lines of Work - The Senses - Using Words - Loves & Likes - Bicycling
- Money - Shopping
- 60 Common Verbs, with many Examples of Usage
- Talking about Time - Commenting on Statements and Opinions - Why? - Because - The Reason - Cause & Effect - Ziek - Not Feeling Well - 2 - Chance, Luck, Outcomes and Risk - Expectations and What Happens
Life - Change - Time
When? - How Often? - How Long?
Fun Things to Say - Sayings, Standard Phrases - Alliterations - Diminutives verkleinwoordjes  Examples of Usage

- from Classic Books and Poems - Readings from the Bible - from my own writing
- Read and Listen to Dutch - a different approach

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'