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50 Common Strong Dutch Verbs
- Some Patterns of Change

Introducing Strong Verbs

50 Common Strong Verbs:
Alphabetic List - Patterns of Change
200 Strong Verbs:
Alphabetic List - Patterns of Change
100 Common Verbs:
Alphabetic List - 'Systematic' List

In the simple past tense, Dutch verbs have two forms: one for the singular, and one for the plural. For strong verbs, the plural adds ‑EN to the singular
The past participle is mostly used in the perfect tenses.

infinitive and
present tense
long A OE long A ‑>>
long E  short/long A 
 short/long A 
long E ‑>>
long 0 ‑>>
short E short A
short O
short A ‑>>
short O ‑>>
short I  short/long A 
short O
Long E ‑>>
short O ‑>>
IJ long E long E ‑>>

In my estimate, about 30% of the strong verbs have the same vowel or diphthong in the simple present tense as in the past participle; about 45% of the strong verbs have the same vowel or diphthong in the simple past tense as in the past participle, and about 25% have a third vowel or diphthong in the past participle.
About 10% of strong verbs have also a consonant change, but about half of the 50 'common' strong verbs have a consonant change.
A small number, about 5% of strong verbs have a past participle ending in ‑D or ‑T.

English infinitive simple
example: to be was (I have)
to carry dragen droeg gedragen click to hear
to ask vragen vroeg gevraagd click to hear ‑>>
to slap, hit slaan sloeg geslagen click to hear ‑>
to go gaan ging gegaan click to hear 2 ‑>>
to let, allow laten liet gelaten click to hear ‑>>
to stand staan stond gestaan click to hear ‑>>
to understand,
hear what is said
verstaan verstond verstaan click to hear 2 ‑>
to fall vallen viel gevallen click to hear ‑>>
to eat eten at gegeten click to hear ‑>>
wij aten click to hear
(G inserted in the past participle)
to give geven gaf gegeven click to hear ‑>>
wij gaven click to hear
to read lezen las gelezen click to hear ‑>>
wij lazen click to hear
to break, crack,
breken brak gebroken click to hear ‑>>
wij braken click to hear
to speak spreken sprak gesproken click to hear ‑>>
wij spraken click to hear
to move
(yr body, items)
bewegen bewoog bewogen click to hear ‑>
wij bewogen click to hear
to know
weten wist geweten click to hear 2 ‑>>
to bring brengen bracht gebracht click to hear ‑>>
to think denken dacht gedacht click to hear ‑>>
to have hebben had gehad click to hear ‑>>
wij hadden click to hear
to pull trekken trok getrokken click to hear ‑>>
wij trokken click to hear
to depart.leave vertrekken vertrok vertrokken click to hear 2 3
wij vertrokken click to hear 2 3
to swim zwemmen zwom gezwommen click to hear ‑>
wij zwommen click to hear
to say zeggen zei gezegd click to hear ‑>>
wij zeiden click to hear
D inserted in the past plural
to lie (to say
what is not)
liegen loog gelogen click to hear ‑>
wij logen click to hear
to see zien zag gezien click to hear ‑>>
wij zagen click to hear
to pray bidden bad gebeden click to hear ‑>>
wij baden click to hear
to lie down liggen lag gelegen click to hear ‑>>
wij lagen click to hear
to sit zitten zat gezeten click to hear ‑>>
wij zaten click to hear
to start, begin beginnen begon begonnen click to hear 2 ‑>
wij begonnen click to hear
to drink drinken dronk gedronken click to hear ‑>>
to jump springen sprong gesprongen click to hear
to find vinden vond gevonden click to hear ‑>>
to come komen kwam gekomen click to hear ‑>>
wij kwamen click to hear
to buy kopen kocht gekocht click to hear ‑>>
to be allowed to,
mogen mocht gemogen click to hear ‑>>
to walk lopen liep gelopen click to hear ‑>>
to be (passive voice) /
to 'become'
worden werd geworden click to hear ‑>>
to be able to,
kunnen kon (gekund) click to hear ‑>>
wij konden click to hear
(D inserted in the past plural)
'shall, will'
(for the future tense)
zullen zou - click to hear 2 ‑>>
wij zouden click to hear 2
to hold houden hield gehouden click to hear ‑>>
to appear ('it turned out') blijken bleek gebleken click to hear ‑>
wij bleken click to hear
to grab, seize grijpen greep gegrepen click to hear ‑>
wij grepen click to hear
to understand (things) begrijpen begreep begrepen click to hear ‑>
wij begrepen click to hear
to look kijken keek gekeken click to hear ‑>>
wij keken click to hear
to get krijgen kreeg gekregen click to hear ‑>>
wij kregen click to hear
to suffer lijden leed geleden click to hear 2 ‑>>
wij leden click to hear
to appear, look like, 'seem' lijken leek geleken click to hear ‑>
wij leken click to hear
to drive, to ride rijden reed gereden click to hear ‑>>
wij reden click to hear
to write schrijven schreef geschreven click to hear ‑>>
wij schreven click to hear
to cut
(with a knife)
snijden sneed gesneden click to hear ‑>>
wij sneden click to hear
to rub wrijven wreef gewreven click to hear
wij wreven click to hear
(W before R is pronounced as Dutch V)
to be zijn was geweest click to hear ‑>>
wij waren click to hear
to do doen deed gedaan click to hear ‑>>
wij deden click to hear
to have to, 'must' moeten moest gemoeten click to hear ‑>>
(only a consonant change)
to search,
look for
zoeken zocht gezocht click to hear ‑>>

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'