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These pronunciation pages are not meant for learning vocabulary. The English translations may lack in precision. But if you like, follow the occasional links ‑>> to explanation, examples of usage and/or related words.
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Compare the Sound of Dutch F, V and W

the F-page  -  the V-page  -  the W-page

A - AA - E - EE - Euh - EI/IJ - I - IE - O - OO - OE - OU - R - U - UU - UI

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

Keep in mind that:
D at the end of a word  is pronounced as T: ‑>>
WR: W before R is pronounced as V: ‑>>

Repeat the words after me, try saying them like I do, and record yourself or ask a friend to compare how you say them with how I say them. Use as few or as many examples as you like.

(de) fat click to hear ('a dandy')
(het) vat click to hear ('barrel, cask, drum')
wat click to hear ('what') ‑>>

(de) fakkel click to hear ('torch')
(het) vak click to hear 2 ('section, area // compartment // trade, profession // subject of study')
(het) wak click to hear ('hole in ice surface')

(de) vacht click to hear 2 ('fur')
[(de)] wacht click to hear ("wait!" // 'guard')

(de) val click to hear ('fall' // 'trap')
(de) wal click to hear 2 ('a big wall,' like city walls)

vals click to hear ('false' // 'unfair, mean' // 'out of tune')
valse click to hear 2 ('false' // 'unfair, mean' // 'out of tune')
(de) wals click to hear ('waltz' // 'steamroller')
walsen click to hear ('to waltz' // 'steamrollers')

(de) zalf click to hear ('ointment, cream')
zalven click to hear 2 ('to apply cream' // 'to anoint')

falen click to hear 2 3 4 ('to fail, not succeed')
vaal click to hear / vale click to hear ('faded' - color)
de Waal click to hear 2 (a river)

Fake click to hear 2 3 (a boys' name)
vaak click to hear 2 3 ('often')
(de) wake click to hear 2 3 ('wake' - vigil for the dead)
waken click to hear 2 3 ('keeping watch')

(de) vaas click to hear 2 3 ('vase')
(de) waas click to hear 2 ('haze')

(de) fase click to hear ('phase')
vazen click to hear ('vases')

(het) alfabet click to hear 2 ('alphabet') ‑>>
Alva click to hear 2 (Spanish governor of the Low Countries at the start of the Dutch Revolt (1568-1648))

(de) flater click to hear 2 3 ('a glaring mistake' - public, embarassing)
(de) vla click to hear ('pudding' - cold, milk-based)

(de) raaf click to hear ('raven')
raven click to hear 2 ('ravens')
raaf/raven click to hear ('raven/ravens')

braaf click to hear 2 ('obedient, well-behaved, harmless')
brave click to hear 2 ('obedient, well-behaved, harmless')
braaf/brave click to hear 2 3 ('obedient, well-behaved, harmless')

(de) wafel click to hear 2 ('waffle')
(het) zwavel click to hear ('sulphur')

(de) vadem click to hear (old water depth measure, about 1.7M, 6 feet')
waden click to hear 2 ('to wade')

fel click to hear ('fierce, sharp, keen')
(het) vel click to hear ('skin')
wel click to hear (affirmative amplifier) ‑>>

(de) fee click to hear (fairy')
(het) vee click to hear 2 3 4 ('cattle')
(de) wee click to hear 2 3 ('contraction' - birth)

Felix click to hear (a boys' name)
veel click to hear 2 3 ('much, many') ‑>>
(de) weelde click to hear 2 ('luxury' - think of: wealth)

Feenstra click to hear 2 (a family name)
Veenstra click to hear 2 3 (a family name)

effen click to hear 2 3 4 ('solid, one color') ‑>> 2
even click to hear 2 3 ('a moment' // 'equally, just as' // 'even' - numbers) ‑>>
we click to hear ('we')

(het) feit click to hear ('fact')
wijd click to hear ('wide')
feiten click to hear ('facts')
wijten click to hear 2 ('to blame,' see as the cause of) ‑>>

fijn click to hear 2 ('nice, pleasant' // 'fine, small')
veinzen click to hear ('to pretend' // 'to feign')
(de) wijn click to hear 2 ('wine')

(het) lijf click to hear ('human body' - slang, impolite)
lijven click to hear 2 ('bodies' - slang)

(het) filter click to hear 2 3 ('filter')
(het) vilt click to hear ('felt')
wild click to hear ('wild')

(de) Fin click to hear ('Finnish person')
(de) vin click to hear ('fin' - fish body part)
vinden click to hear 2 ('to find' // '~to think')
winden click to hear 2 3 ('to wind, twist' // 'winds' // 'to fart')

(het) finkie click to hear 2 ('bird' - slang)
(de) vink click to hear ('finch' - a bird)
(de) winkel click to hear 2 ('shop, store') ‑>>

fier click to hear ('proud, brave' - old-fashioned)
vier click to hear ('4')
(het) zeewier click to hear 2 3 ('seaweed')
(de) wierook click to hear 2 ('incense')

(de) fiets click to hear 2 ('bicycle')
Viets click to hear (a family name)
vitaal click to hear 2 ('vital')
(de) wiet click to hear 2 3 ("weed")

lief click to hear ('dear, sweet') ‑>>
lieve click to hear ('dear, sweet')
lief/lieve click to hear ('dear, sweet')

(de) folder click to hear ('brochure')
vol click to hear ('full')
(de) wol click to hear ('wool')

(de) folklore click to hear 2 ('folklore')
volkoren click to hear 2 ('wholewheat')
(het) volk click to hear 2 3 ('people, nation')
(de) wolk click to hear 2 3 ('cloud')

(de) bevolking click to hear ('population')
(de) bewolking click to hear 2 ('cloud cover')

(de) vorst click to hear 2 ('frost' // 'king')
(de) worst click to hear ('sausage')

(de) forel click to hear ('trout' - a fish)
voor click to hear 2 ('for' // 'before' // many other meanings) ‑>>
-voorde click to hear 2 (place name ending, like English '‑ford')
woorden click to hear ('words') ‑>>

(het) foedraal click to hear ('leather bag' for a tool)
voedzaam click to hear 2 3 ('nutritious')
(de) woede click to hear 2 ('anger')

(de) foelie click to hear ('mace,' a spice)
voelen click to hear 2 ('to feel') ‑>>

(de) boef click to hear 2 ('rogue, criminal')
boeven click to hear 2 ('criminals' - often jocular)

hoeveel click to hear ('how much, how many?') ‑>>
hoewel click to hear ('although')

[(de)] fout click to hear ('mistake' // 'wrong') ‑>>
(de) vouw click to hear ('fold')
ik wou click to hear ('I wish, I wanted' - slightly substandard) ‑>>
(het) woud click to hear 2 ('forest')

(het) houvast click to hear 2 3 ('hold, grip,' "fixed point")
(de) houweel click to hear ('pickaxe')
(de) bouwval click to hear 2 ('ruin, dilapidated building')

WR: W before R is pronounced as V: ‑>>

(de) fractie click to hear 2 3 ('fraction') ‑>>
(het) wrak click to hear ('wreck')

fragiel click to hear 2 ('fragile, very vulnerable')
vragen click to hear 2 ('to ask') ‑>>

Fred click to hear 2 (a boys' name)
(de) vrek click to hear ('miser, scrooge')

frictie click to hear 2 ('friction') ‑>>
wrikken click to hear ('to wrench, pry')

Freya click to hear 2 (Germanic goddess, 'Mrs Wotan')
vrij click to hear / vrije click to hear 2 ('free')
wrijven click to hear 2 ('to rub')

(de) fut click to hear ('energy, strength,' "vim")
(de) vut click to hear (early retirement program - originally V.U.T.)

furieus click to hear ('furious, very angry')
vurig click to hear ('fiery, fervent, ardent, passionate')
(het) vuur click to hear 2 ('fire')

(de) fuif click to hear 2 'party' - slang)
wuiven click to hear 2 ('to wave')

(de) huifkar click to hear ('covered wagon')
huiveren click to hear (2) ('to shiver, shudder from fear')

(de) luifel click to hear ('awning')
(de) zuivel click to hear ('dairy')

vaarwel click to hear ('farewell')
(de) welvaart click to hear ('prosperity')
(de) veelwijverij click to hear ([many-wives thing] - 'polygamy')

vlinders fladderen click to hear 2 ('butterflies flutter')
frank en vrij click to hear ([free and frank] - 'honest and free')

Adjectives in most positions get an -E  ending ‑>>

Major Exceptions to the Phonetic Spelling of Dutch
- Page 1:   een   -IG   -ISCH   -LIJK  
- Page 2:   -B   -D   SCHR   -TIE   UW   WR
Hear the Dutch Letters in Hundreds of Words:
 AU/OU  CH  EU  F  G  H  L  OE  SCH  U  UI  W  X  Y
'Master Lists' of Dutch words: Dutch to English - English to Dutch

'Basic' Dutch Words - Pictures Dictionary - Words by Subject - Easy Dutch - Phrases and Conversation Templates - Names - Place Names - verbs

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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'