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Short   Prepositions and other Possibly Problematic Little Words
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aan click to hear on // at // to // of // for // in // from // by // about // (other) ‑>>>
achter click to hear behind, back, rear ‑>> 2 3
af click to hear ~off, away from // finished, done ‑>>>
al click to hear already // all // even if ‑>>>
alleen click to hear alone: only, just ‑>> // by yourself, on your own ‑>>
als click to hear when // if // as, like // as a ... ‑>>>
beneden click to hear down, downstairs ‑>> 2 3
bij click to hear 2 ~at, ~near ‑>>
bijna click to hear 2 almost, nearly, barely ‑>>
binnen click to hear 2 inside, indoors, in ‑>>> 2 // within (time) ‑>>
boven click to hear 2 above, on top of, up // upstairs ‑>>> 2 3
buiten click to hear 2 outside, outdoors, out ‑>>> 2 3
daar click to hear (over) there // that // because ‑>>>
dan click to hear then (future) // than ‑>>>
dat click to hear that (many meanings!) ‑>>>
dicht click to hear closed ‑>>
door click to hear by // through ‑>>>
dus click to hear so, therefore, thus ‑>>
eens (ééns) click to hear someday ... ‑>>
eens click to hear / click to hear once (upon a time) // one time ‑>>>
elk click to hear (elke click to hear) every, each ‑>>
en click to hear 2 and ‑>>
enig click to hear (the) only ‑>> // any ‑>>
er click to hear ~there // it // pragmatic marker ‑>>
erg click to hear very // bad ‑>> 2
even click to hear 2 for a moment // just as, just like, equally ‑>>
geen click to hear no, none, zero ‑>>
haast click to hear hurry, haste // almost, nearly ‑>>>
heel click to hear very ‑>> 2 // whole ‑>>
het click to hear 2 ( 't click to hear) the (#2) // it ‑>>> 2 3
ieder click to hear (ieder/iedere click to hear 2) every, each ‑>>
in click to hear 2 in ‑>>> // into ‑>> // to ‑>> // (other) ‑>>
klaar click to hear ready ‑>> // clear ‑>>
laat click to hear late, not in time // let, allow ‑>>>
liever click to hear 2 3 rather (preference) ‑>>
maar click to hear but // just, only // (pragmatic marker) ‑>>> 2
mee click to hear 2) ~with, ~along, ~along with ‑>> 2 3
met click to hear with ‑>> 2
na click to hear after ‑>>>
naar click to hear to (direction, destination) // (at, of, for, after) // sick, upset ‑>>>
net click to hear just like // barely (little margin) // exactly, precisely // neat, proper ‑>>>
niet click to hear 2 not, do not ‑>>
nog click to hear still, yet // rather, quite ‑>>>
nogal click to hear 2 rather, quite, in a large degree ‑>>
of click to hear or // (if, whether) ‑>>>
om click to hear at (hours) // about, ~because // around // 'every other' (alternating)
    // (other meanings) ‑>>>
om ... te click to hear to, for ‑>>
omdat click to hear because ‑>>
onder click to hear under, below, lower, (among, between, during, South of) ‑>>> 2
ook click to hear also, too ‑>>
op click to hear on top of // finished, out of ‑>>> 2
open click to hear open ‑>>
over click to hear 2 ~in // ~past // ~over, across // ~about // leftover
    // (other meanings) ‑>>>
sommige click to hear some, a few ‑>>
te click to hear too (excess) ‑>> // at ‑>> // other meanings ‑>>
tegen click to hear against ‑>> // (~to) ‑>> 2
terug click to hear back, returning ‑>>
toch click to hear 2 yet, still ‑>> // ~anyway ‑>> 2
toen click to hear 2 3 then (at that time, after that) // when (in the past) ‑>>>
tussen click to hear between, among ‑>>
uit click to hear 2 out of, from, off ‑>>>
van click to hear 2 of (possession, association) // of, from (origin) // by (artists)
    // other meanings ‑>>>
voor click to hear 2 before (time) // in front of (place) // for (destination etc.)
    // for (in favor of) // other meanings ‑>>> 2 3
vroeg click to hear early // (I/you/he) asked ‑>>>
waar click to hear where? // where // what, the thing that (placeholder) // true ‑>> 2
want click to hear 2 for, because ‑>>
(de) want click to hear 2 mitt ‑>>
wat click to hear what? // what // some, a little // something ‑>>> 2
weer click to hear 2 again ‑>>
(het) weer click to hear 2 weather ‑>>
weg click to hear away, gone, lost ‑>>
(de) weg click to hear road, way, street ‑>>
wel click to hear (affirmative amplifier) ‑>>
welk click to hear 2 (welk/welke click to hear 2) which ‑>> 2
zo click to hear so, such, very, thàt // like this // soon, in a moment ‑>>>
zonder click to hear without ‑>> 2
zulk click to hear (zulke click to hear) such ‑>>
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Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'