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Dutch On-  and -Loos

Like English 'un-' and '-less,' adding the Dutch prefix on- click to hear 2 or the suffix -loos click to hear 2 gives the opposite meaning of the root word. tenzij click to hear 2 'unless'
Tenzij je 'n beter idee hebt click to hear 2 3 Unless you have a better idea
Sometimes you could also use niet click to hear 2 'not' or geen click to hear 'no, zero quantity' to keep things simple ‑>>
Onder click to hear 'under, below' is another story
Ont- is a prefix of not always clear meaning. There will be a few examples at the bottom of the page
other negating prefixes

Het voorvoegsel on- click to hear 2 of het achtervoegsel -loos click to hear 2 geven een woord de tegenovergestelde of negatieve betekenis.
For instance, both ongenadig click to hear 2 3 and genadeloos click to hear mean 'merciless' (from (de) genade click to hear 2 'mercy') - but it's not always that straightforward: bewust click to hear is 'aware, conscious' and bewusteloos click to
      hear means 'unconscious: knocked out' but onbewust click to hear 2 means 'unconscious: without thinking, not aware ‑>>

For almost all the on--words I immediately see the original word; with the -loos-words that is less, and for many of the ont--words I do not recognize a root word, or the word that comes to mind doesn't make sense. I guess they're often from words that are no longer in common use.
This page is an introduction - it's far from a complete collection of these words.

(het) tegenovergestelde click to hear 2 opposite
(het) voorvoegsel click to hear 2 prefix
(het) achtervoegsel click to hear 2 3 suffix
origineel click to hear original
(de) betekenis click to hear 2 meaning
de oorspronkelijke betekenis click to hear 2 3 the original meaning tegenovergesteld click to hear (tegenovergestelde click to hear 2) opposite
negatief click to hear 2 3 (negatieve click to hear 2) negative

This page will introduce or re-introduce you to some on-  and loos-words and their roots, showing where they come from, how they are derived - to deepen your understanding of the Dutch language

Adjectives' E-ending

the: de click to hear 2 / het click to hear 2 3 - 't click to hear ->>
Plurals always take 'de'
a: (een) - 'n click to hear / one: één click to hear 2 3

other negating prefixes


onaangenaam click to hear 2 3 4 (onaangename click to hear 2 3) unpleasant, uncomfortable
een onaangename verrassing click to hear 2 an unpleasant surprise aangenaam click to hear 2 (aangename click to hear 2 3) pleasant, pleasing, comfortable
aangenaam kennis te maken click to hear 2 3 pleased to meet you een aangename temperatuur click to hear a pleasant, comfortable temperature For examples, generally follow the links ‑>> (if any)

onaanvaardbaar click to hear 2 3 unacceptable
aanvaarden click to hear 2 to accept

onaardig click to hear 2 3 unkind
aardig click to hear 2 3 (aardig / aardige click to hear 2) kind, nice, friendly ‑>>

onaf click to hear 2 3 unfinished, not ready
af click to hear finished, ready ‑>>
onafgemaakt click to hear 2 3 unfinished - German: 'unvollendet' afmaken click to hear 2 to finish ‑>>
maken click to hear to make ‑>>
See also  'onvoltooid' - below

onafhankelijk click to hear independent
(de) onafhankelijkheid click to hear independence
(de) onafhankelijkheidsverklaring click to hear 2 declaration of independence
afhankelijk click to hear (afhankelijke click to hear) dependent
afhangen van click to hear 2 3 to depend (on) ‑>>

onbegonnen werk click to hear 2 ["unbegun work"] - a job so big, difficult or hopeless it looks impossible to get started beginnen click to hear to begin, to start ‑>>

onbegrijpelijk click to hear 2 3 incomprehensible, impossible to understand, ~not reasonable begrijpen click to hear to understand, to know the how or why of something ‑>>

onbeheerst click to hear 2 3 4 uncontrolled, undisciplined
zich beheersen click to hear 2 3 'to control yourself, have a grip on your emotions' ‑>>

onbekend click to hear 2 unknown, unidentified ‑>>
bekend click to hear (bekend/bekende click to hear 2) known, well-known ‑>>

onbelangrijk click to hear 2 3 not important
belangrijk click to hear 2 (belangrijk / belangrijke click to hear 2) important ‑>>

onbeleefd click to hear 2 3 4 5 impolite, bad-mannered
beleefd click to hear polite, well-mannered
Hij was eerlijk, maar beleefd click to hear He was honest, but in a polite way

onbepaald click to hear indefinite
bepalen click to hear 2 3 to determine, define // to determine, set, stipulate ‑>>

onbeschoft click to hear rude, bad-mannered
probably related to: beschaafd click to hear civilized

(het) onbesproken gedrag click to hear [behaviour above reproach] - unblemished conduct spreken click to hear to speak ‑>>
bespreken click to hear 2 to discuss // to reserve

onbetaalbaar click to hear 2 3 [cannot be paid for] - priceless betalen click to hear to pay ‑>>

onbewoonbaar verklaarde woning click to hear 2 3 [house declared unlivable] condemned building, officially declared unfit for habitation wonen click to hear 2 to live, reside ‑>>

onbewust click to hear 2 unconscious (without thinking)
bewust click to hear aware, conscious ‑>>
See also bewusteloos click to hear - below

ondankbaar click to hear 2 3 'ungrateful' // 'thankless'
bedanken click to hear 2 to thank ‑>>

ondanks click to hear 2 3 despite, in spite of
dankzij click to hear 2 'thanks to' ‑>>
(de) dank click to hear 2 thanks, gratitude ‑>>

ondeugend click to hear 2 3 4 naughty
(de) deugd click to hear 2 3 virtue, 'good' behavior

ondiep click to hear 2 [not deep] - shallow
diep click to hear 2 (diepe click to
 hear diep / diepe click to hear) deep ‑>>

(het) onding click to hear 2 3 4 5 an annoying tool or gadget (clumsy, not working well)
(het) ding click to hear thing

ondoenlijk click to hear 2 3 ['undoable,' 'cannot be done'] - said about an impossible task or job doen click to hear 2 3 to do ‑>>

ondoorgrondelijk click to hear 2 unfathomable, incomprehensible
[medal showing a farm worker holding a shovel]
'Doorsiet den Grondt'
faux 'old' Dutch for:
Doorzie de grond click to hear 2
['see through, look deep into] understand the soil'

oneerbiedig click to hear 2 irreverent, disrespectful
(de) eerbied click to hear esteem, regard, respect
eerbiedig click to hear 2 respectful

(de) oneffenheid click to hear 2 ['unevenness, irregularity'] - a bump in the road or also figuratively, an 'irregularity, a roughness,' a problem effen click to hear 2 3 4 1. (a surface being) 'flat, smooth, even' ‑>>
2. (fabric color) 'solid'

oneindig click to hear infinite; ∞ infinity
(het) einde click to hear 2
= (het) eind click to hear 2 'end' ‑>>
See also:  eindeloos click to hear - below

(de) onenigheid click to hear 2 3 4 'disagreement, division, discord' (probably not derived from
'enig' click to hear 1. only, single, unique, one-time, one-and-only
2. any ‑>>
- but from  één click to hear 2 3 ('one')
So:  'onenig' means: not one, no unity, not together, not of one opinion

oneven click to hear 2 odd (numbers)
even click to hear even, 'numbers divisible by 2' ‑>>

I say the ONG in some of the ong‑ words as "ONG‑G"

ongebruikelijk click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 7 unusual, uncommon
gebruikelijk click to hear 2 usual, common
Dat is erg ongebruikelijk click to hear 2 3 4 That's very unusual

(het) ongedierte click to hear 2 vermin, unwanted small animals and bugs
(het) dier click to hear 2 3 4 animal ‑>>

ongeduldig click to hear 2 impatient, not accepting or tolerating delays geduldig click to hear 2 3 patient, accepting or tolerating delays ‑>>

ongegeneerd (second G is French) click to hear 2 3 4 without shame, without embarrasment gênant (French G) click to hear embarrassing
(de) gêne (French G) click to hear 2 embarrasment

(de) ongehuwde moeder click to hear 2 [unmarried] single mother
gehuwd click to hear 2 married (bureaucratic, formal)
(het) huwelijk click to hear marriage ‑>>
See also:  getrouwd click to hear married below

(de) ongein click to hear something annoying or unpleasant (de) gein click to hear fun
(het) geintje click to hear something funny, a joke
geinig click to hear 2 funny ‑>>

ongelegen click to hear 2 inconvenient, 'not a good time' ~ (de) gelegenheid click to hear 2 opportunity ‑>>

(de) ongelikte beer click to hear 2 [unlicked bear] bad-mannered person (Stoett says it's from the folk belief that mother bears lick their babies) likken click to hear 2 to lick, lap (tongue movement)

ongelofelijk click to hear / ongelooflijk click to hear unbelievable
geloven click to hear 2 to believe ‑>>
ongelofelijk smerig click to hear 2 3 4 [unbelievable] 'impossibly dirty' ‑>>

ongelovigen click to hear 2 non-believers
ongelovige Thomas click to hear Doubting Thomas, a disbelieving Thomas, a person of small faith - from John 20:28 'geloven' - see above

(het) ongeluk click to hear 2 is 'accident,' something bad happening inadvertently. In traffic it's often better to call it a 'crash:' (de) botsing click to hear 2 ‑>>
(het) geluk click to hear 2 can mean both 'luck,' fate favoring you // 'happiness,' ‑>>

ongenadig click to hear 2 3 merciless
also:  genadeloos click to hear merciless - below (de) genade click to hear 2

ongenoegen click to hear 2 3 displeasure
(het) genoegen click to hear pleasure, satisfaction (somewhat old-fashioned) ‑>>

ongerust click to hear 2 worried, concerned ‑>>
'gerust' click to hear 2 3 is the past participle of rusten:  'rested' - but it also has other meanings, most commonly something like 'with confidence, without fear, safely'
(de) rust click to hear 2 'rest,' time of relaxation, nap or sleep

ongeschoren click to hear 2 unshaven
scheren click to hear 2 3 to shave (beard, hair, sheep)
a strong verb:

scheren - schoor - geschoren click to hear
to shave - shaved - (have) shaved

ongetrouwd click to hear 2 3 [unmarried] - single
getrouwd click to hear married
trouwen click to hear 2 3 to marry ‑>> more

ongetwijfeld click to hear undoubtedly, without doubt
(de) twijfel click to hear doubt ‑>>

(het) ongeval click to hear 2 - a formal word for 'accident' (het) geval click to hear 'case,' affair, situation ‑>>
- see the more common (het) ongeluk click to hear 2 accident - above

ongeveer click to hear 2 about, approximately (an estimate) Probably not an  'on-' word. I can't think of the original word
ongeveer veertig Euro click to hear about 40 Euros

ongewassen click to hear 2 unwashed
wassen click to hear 2 to wash // to do laundry ‑>>
zich wassen click to hear 2 'to wash yourself, oneself, to wash up' ‑>>

onguur click to hear 2 3 (said of people) making a very unpleasant impression, unsavory guur click to hear 2 3 (said of weather) very unpleasant, harsh, bleak, raw, rough

onhandig click to hear clumsy, awkward
handig click to hear 2 skillful, 'good with their hands,' but also 'clever' // handy, convenient Hij is erg handig click to hear 2 3 He's very good with his hands (building or fixing things at home)

onheilspellend click to hear 2 ominous, predicting disaster
(het) naderend onheil click to hear 2 approaching doom

onherroepelijk click to hear 2 [cannot be recalled] - irrevocable, irreversible her- click to hear 2 re-
roepen click to hear 2 3 to call, shout

onhoudbaar click to hear 2 ['cannot be held, impossible to hold'] - untenable, unacceptable, indefensible een onhoudbare positie click to hear 2 3 4 1. a viewpoint that's unacceptable
2. (military) a location that cannot be defended
een onhoudbare situatie click to hear 2 3 [a situation that can't go on] - an untenable situation, an unacceptable set of circumstances - something gotta change houden click to hear 2 3 4 'to hold, to keep' ‑>>
houdbaar click to hear 2 3 ['can be kept'] 'non-perishable, shelf-stable' ‑>> houdbaar tot ... click to hear 'can be kept until' - 'best before ...' tenminste houdbaar tot ... click to hear 2 'can be kept at least until' - 'best before ...'

onkreukbaar click to hear 2 incorruptible, cannot be bribed
(kreukels click to hear 2 creases (in fabric))
(het) smeergeld click to hear ['grease-money'] - a bribe]
steekpenningen click to hear a bribe

(het) onkruid click to hear weeds
Onkruid vergaat niet click to hear 'Weeds can't be killed' - the permanence of serious evil and profiteering onkruid wieden click to hear remove weeds
Dutch  'wieden' is probably related to English 'weed'
(het) kruid click to hear herb
plural: kruiden click to hear herbs, (spices)
't bittere kruid click to hear the bitter herb

onlangs click to hear 2 recently, not so long ago, 'the other day' ‑>> Er is daar onlangs iets gebeurd click to hear 2 Something happened over there recently 'Langs' click to hear 2 3 means 'along' ‑>> - which doesn't make sense in 'onlangs.'  I have no idea what the root word is or would mean: 'onlangs'  is probably not an on-word.

(het) onmens click to hear a very unpleasant person, 'not a mensch'
onmenselijk vroeg click to hear 2 [inhumanely] impossibly, beastly early
(de) mens click to hear 2 human being, 'man' ‑>>
plural:  mensen click to hear people

onmiddelijk click to hear immediately
Hou er onmiddelijk mee op! click to hear 2 quick '[Now] Stop that right away!' I can't think of a root word like 'middelijk' - 'onmiddelijk'  is probably not an on-word

(de) onmin click to hear 2 3 discord, strife, strained relation  (slightly old-fashioned) - from the Medieval word de Minne  meaning 'love.'
Ze leven in onmin click to hear 2 3 They're not on good terms, they live in strife

onmogelijk click to hear 2 impossible
't Is haast onmogelijk click to hear 2 3
('t Is welhaast onmogelijk click to hear 2 3) It's almost (well nigh) impossible mogelijk click to hear 2 (mogelijke click to hear) possible ‑>>
Hoe is 't mogelijk? click to hear 2 3 4 5 6 How is it possible? How can it be? met alle mogelijke middelen click to hear 2 with all possible means (de) mogelijkheid click to hear 2 3 'possibility'

onnadenkend click to hear 2 unthinkingly, not considering consequences of actions nadenken click to hear 2 3 (4) to think over, considering something carefully - this is the real 'denken' to think - use the brain ‑>>

onnatuurlijk traag click to hear slow slow 2 slow 3 Unnaturally slow, sluggish ‑>> 't Klinkt onnatuurlijk click to hear It sounds contrived, artificial, stilted natuurlijk click to hear of course! // naturally

onnodig click to hear 2 3 4 5 unnecessary, not necessary
een onnodig risico click to hear 2 3 an unnecessary risk ‑>> nodig click to hear necessary, needed ‑>>
Ik vind 't niet nodig click to hear 2 3 [I find it not necessary] - I don't think it's necessary, I think there's no need for it

ononderbroken click to hear 2 3 uninterrupted
onderbreken click to hear 2 3 to interrupt
Wij onderbreken ... click to hear 2 We interrupt ...
breken click to hear to crack, to break - a strong verb:
breken - brak - gebroken click to hear
to break - broke - broken

onontkoombaar click to hear 2 3 slow unavoidable, inescapable more commonly:  onvermijdelijk click to hear 2 3 - more below unavoidable ontkomen click to hear 2 3 to escape, evade
komen click to hear to come ‑>>

onophoudelijk click to hear 2 unending, continuing, ceaselessly, incessantly ophouden click to hear 2 to stop, end, come to an end ophouden met click to hear to stop, end, quit, cease  ‑>> - met/mee

onopvallend click to hear inconspicuous, not standing out, not very noticeable opvallen click to hear 2 to stand out, be conspicuous // to notice ‑>>

onovergankelijk click to hear 2 intransitive (verbs)
overgankelijk click to hear 2 transitive
(De) overgang click to hear means 'transition' and also 'menopause' - and 'crossing' in words like
(de) spoorwegovergang click to hear 'railroad crossing'

onovertroffen click to hear 2 3 unsurpassed, as good as or better than any other overtreffen click to hear to exceed, surpass ‑>>

onoverzichtelijk click to hear 2 3 cluttered, badly organized
(het) overzicht click to hear 2 overview, survey, outline overzien click to hear 2 1. [view in totality] to survey
2. to look over, to examine, to supervise

onpartijdig click to hear 2 3 4 5 impartial, even-handed ['above the political parties'] (de) partij click to hear party (political ‑>> // festivity)

onprettig click to hear 2 3 unpleasant, disagreeable prettig click to hear prettige click to hear 2 3 pleasant, nice, enjoyable ‑>>

(het) onraad click to hear a suspicious situation, danger, trouble
(de) raad click to hear counsel, advice // council, board de gemeenteraad click to hear 2 city council
(de) krijgsraad click to hear 2 1. military court of justice
2. wartime council of the top military

(het) onrecht click to hear 2 injustice
(Het) recht click to hear 2 as 'justice, the judiciary' is old-fashioned, but the 'being allowed to' and 'being entitled to' 'the right to ...' meaning is still common ‑>>

onredelijk click to hear 2 3 unreasonable, unfair, not right, unjust 't Is onredelijk click to hear It's unreasonable redelijk click to hear 2 (redelijke click to hear) reasonable, fair // rational, sensible (de) rede click to hear 2 3 1. reason, rationality ‑>>
2. speech, address, presentation
3. ships anchoring ('parking') area outside harbor

onregelmatig click to hear 2 irregular
regelmatig click to hear (regelmatige click to hear) regular

onrust click to hear unrest, turmoil // restlessness
(de) rust
click to hear 2 'rest,' time of relaxation, nap or sleep ‑>> onrustig click to hear 2 3 restless, troubled, agitated
rustig click to hear 'quiet,' no or low activity ‑>>

(de) onschuld click to hear 2 innocence
(de) schuld click to hear 1. debt, money owed
2. fault, blame ‑>>
onschuldig click to hear 2 1. innocent, not guilty
2. harmless
schuldig click to hear 2 3 guilty

onsmakelijk click to hear 2 distasteful (tasting bad, unappetizing // in bad taste Eet smakelijk! click to hear 'Bon appetit! Enjoy your meal!' ‑>> (de) smaak click to hear 2 taste ‑>> 2

onstuimig click to hear passionate, tempestuous, turbulent (root word no longer in use)

onveranderd click to hear 2 3 unchanged
veranderen click to hear to change ‑>>
Wat is er veranderd? click to hear 2 What has changed? What's different? Er is helemaal niks veranderd click to hear 2 Nothing at all has changed, not a single thing

onverantwoordelijk click to hear 2 3 irresponsible, ~stupid
verantwoordelijk click to hear (verantwoordelijke click to hear 2) responsible ‑>>
Ik hou(d) je verantwoordelijk click to hear 2 3 I hold you responsible, you are to blame if it goes wrong

Geen onverdeeld genoegen click to hear 2 3 4 ['Not an undivided, not a complete pleasure'] - 'No unmitigated pleasure' - something not entirely pleasing verdelen click to hear 2 3 to divide // to distribute ‑>>

onverklaarbaar click to hear 2 3 unexplainable, it cannot be explained, it's impossible to explain verklaren click to hear 2 1. to explain ‑>>
2. to declare, state, pronounce
Ik kan het niet verklaren click to hear 2 I can't explain (it) - I don't understand ‑>>

(de) onverlaat click to hear 2 miscreant, very annoying or bad person breaking laws or rules (root word no longer in use)

onvermijdelijk click to hear 2 3 unavoidable
vermijden click to hear to avoid ‑>>

onvermoeibaar click to hear 2 'tireless,' does not get tired, does not stop
click to hear 2 tiring
moe click to hear 2 3 tired ‑>>

onverschillig click to hear 2 indifferent
Probably related to:
(het) verschil click to hear difference
and  verschillend click to hear different // various ‑>>

onverstandig click to hear 2 (onverstandige click to hear 2 3 4) 'not sensible, a bad idea'
verstandig click to hear (verstandige click to hear) 'prudent, sensible, well-thought-out'
(het) verstand click to hear 'understanding:' - 'mind, intellect, brains' ‑>>

onverwacht click to hear unexpected, unexpectedly
(de) onverwachte wending click to hear 2 unexpected turn of events (often in fiction or in a narrative) - or- unexpected development verwachten click to hear 2 to expect ‑>>

onverzadigde vetzuren click to hear unsaturated fatty acids
meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren click to hear polyunsaturated fatty acids
verzadigen - to satisfy // to saturate
more Nutritional Values

[(het)] onvoldoende click to hear 2 3 insufficient // failing grade
[(het)] voldoende click to hear 2 3 sufficient // passing grade

(de) onvolkomenheid click to hear 2 3 imperfection // incompleteness
plural: onvolkomenheden click to hear 2 3 imperfections - irregularity
Probably related to:
volmaakt click to hear 2 perfect

onvoltooid click to hear 2 3 4 5 unfinished - German: 'unvollendet' voltooien click to hear 2 3 4 to finish, complete (something big) ‑>> See also:  onaf click to hear 2 3 unfinished, not ready - above
(De) Onvoltooid Tegenwoordige Tijd click to hear 2 The [unfinished] Simple Present Tense
(De) Voltooid Tegenwoordige Tijd click to hear 2 The [finished] Perfect Present Tense
All about the Verb Tenses

onvoorspelbaar click to hear 2 3 unpredictable
voorspellen click to hear 2 to predict, ~to prophesy ‑>>

onvoorstelbaar click to hear 2 unimaginable, impossible to imagine, it couldn't happen zich voorstellen click to hear 2 - to imagine // - to introduce oneself ‑>>

onwaar click to hear false, untrue
onwaarheden click to hear 'untruths,' lies
Ze hebben jullie onwaarheden verteld click to hear 2 They have told you guys [untruths] lies, they lied to you Waar click to hear (waar/ware click to hear 2) true, real ‑>>
(de) waarheid click to hear 2 truth
(het) nepnieuws click to hear 2 fake news

onwaarschijnlijk click to hear 2 unlikely
waarschijnlijk click to hear 2 ['true-seeming'] - probably ‑>>

(het) onweer click to hear thunderstorm ‑>>
(de) bliksem click to hear lightning
(de) donder click to hear thunder
't weer click to hear 2 the weather ‑>>
Talking about the Weather

onweerstaanbaar click to hear 2 3 irresistable
weerstaan click to hear 2 3 to resist, withstand (usually figuratively, like temptation) ‑>>

(het) onwettig kind click to hear illegitimate child
(de) ongehuwde moeder click to hear 2
[unmarried] single mother - see above
(de) wet click to hear law ‑>>

"onwijs gaaf" click to hear 2 [`unwisely, imprudently, ~irresponsibly perfect'] - 'too cool' - (1990s teenagers)
wijs click to hear (wijze click to hear 2 wijs/wijze click to hear 2) 'wise,' having or showing experience, knowledge and good judgement ‑>>

onzeker click to hear 2 3 insecure, uncertain
(de) onzekerheid click to hear 2 3 uncertainty
zeker click to hear 2 (zeker/zekere click to hear) certain, sure ‑>>

onzijdig click to hear 2 3 neutral, impartial, neuter // not 'male' or 'female' (words) (de) zijde click to hear 'side' (by itself a little old-fashioned) ‑>>

onzorgvuldig click to hear 2 3 careless, sloppy, inaccurate ‑>>
zorgvuldig click to hear 2 careful, with care and precision, meticulous
(de) zorg click to hear 2 care, support ‑>>

Other Negating Prefixes

There are a few other prefixes to create an opposite, but there are not many words like that

asociaal click to hear 2 antisocial, ~egocentric
sociaal click to hear social, ~altruistic, ~community-oriented

organisch click to hear the chemistry of complex carbon compounds anorganisch click to hear 'inorganic,' other chemistry
'Biologisch' click to hear 'biological' is fhe Dutch word for English 'organic' meaning food grown without artificial herbicides, pesticides and fungicides, and without fertilizers from a factory

averechts click to hear 2
Originally a knitting technique, moving the yarn in the opposite direction, it's used in a wider sense of things going totally wrong or having the opposite effect of what was intended
rechts click to hear right (not left)


besluiteloos click to hear 2 3 4 indecisive, unable to make decisions (de) besluiteloosheid click to hear 2 3 4 indecisiveness, inability to make a decision (het) besluit click to hear decision

bewusteloos click to
      hear unconscious (knocked out)
bewust click to hear aware, conscious ‑>>
See also  'onbewust' click to hear 2 above

bodemloze put click to hear 2 3 'bottomless drain' - a problem that cannot be solved, however much is thrown at it - 'pouring money down the drain' (de) bodem click to hear 2 bottom (floor, ground)
(de) put click to hear 2 well // drain

draadloos click to hear wireless
(de) draad click to hear wire, string, yarn (de) radio click to hear 2 radio
(de) afstandsbediening click to hear remote control
tegendraads click to hear 2 3 contrary, against the grain

eindeloos click to hear without end
(het) einde click to hear 2
= (het) eind click to hear 2 'end' ‑>>
See also:  'oneindig - above

genadeloos click to hear merciless
(de) genade click to hear 2 mercy
See also:  'ongenadig' click to hear 2 3 - above

geruisloos click to hear 2 3 4 'silent, without making sound' - said of movement, something happening without any sound (de) ruis click to hear 2 static, white noise - and also the sound of wind in trees ‑>>

hopeloos click to hear 2 hopeless, desperate, despairing
't Is hopeloos click to hear 2 3 It's hopeless, there is no possible good outcome (de) hoop click to hear 2 'hope,' faithful expectation ‑>> // 'heap,' 'a large amount, a lot, a bunch'

hulpeloos click to hear 2 3 helpless
(de) hulp click to hear help, assistance ‑>>

klakkeloos click to hear unthinking, rash; ~sudden
klakkeloos overnemen click to hear 2 3 4 unquestoningly adopting an idea or a procedure
- root word unknown to me

kleurloos click to hear 2 colorless, pale, drab, bland
(de) kleur click to hear 2 color ‑>>

loos alarm click to hear 2 false alarm
loze beloften click to hear 2 empty promises
loos click to hear 2 3 empty, 'not'

machteloos click to hear 2 3 powerless
machteloze woede click to hear 2 [powerless] helpless, impotent rage (de) macht click to hear power (the capacity or ability to do or act, the capacity or ability to influence or direct) ‑>>

't Irriteert me mateloos click to hear 2 It annoys me beyond measure - I'm very annoyed by it (de) maat click to hear 2 - size (clothes, shoes) ‑>>
(mate click to hear 2)

moeiteloos click to hear without (much) effort, easily
de) moeite click to hear 2 effort, exertion // bother, trouble ‑>>

roemloos click to hear without fame, without glory - failed ambition of grandeur (de) roem click to hear 2 3 4 fame, glory

roerloos click to hear motionless (living beings) (Though (het) roer click to hear 2 means 'rudder,' the ship direction device, roerloos  does not mean 'rudderless' zich roeren click to hear 2 1.to move ('moving your body')
2. to protest, threatening revolt
roeren click to hear 2 3 to stir, mix (soup etc.)

slapeloze nachten click to hear 2 sleepless nights
(de) slaap click to hear 2 sleep ‑>>

smetteloos click to hear 2 'without blemish, very clean, spotless, without any stain' (de) smet click to hear 2 'stain, spot, smudge, blemish' (also figuratively) ‑>>

straffeloos click to hear 2 3 unpunished, without consequences
(de) straf click to hear punishment ‑>> 2

tijdloos click to hear 2 3 timeless, 'never gets old, for the ages' - not subject to fashion, temporary concerns or aging (de) tijd click to hear 2 3 time ‑>>

'toonloze E' click to hear 'toneless E' - the schwa click to hear - what I call 'voiceless, unstressed E' ‑>> (de) toon click to hear 2 3 4 tone - Music Words

Dit uitzichtsloze bestaan click to hear 2 3 This existence without prospects, hopeless existence, this life without a (good) future (het) uitzicht click to hear 1. view (from) 2. prospect

vlekkeloos click to hear 2 3 'stainless' - but usually figuratively: a procedure or an action went off perfectly, 'without a hitch' (de) vlek click to hear 2 'stain' ‑>>

waardeloos click to hear 2 "worthless," - without value, useless, not interesting (de) waarde click to hear 'value,' "worth" ‑>>

weergaloos click to hear 2 3 = zonder weerga click to hear '[won't come back] grand, without equal, can't be topped, unparallelled' weerga click to hear 2 3 [going again] - return, rerun, coming back

weerloos click to hear [without resistance] defenseless, helpless 'Weer' click to hear 2 meaning 'fighting' or 'defense' (German 'Wehr') is only found in compound words like for instance (de) brandweer click to hear 2 fire brigade, fire department ‑>>

werk(e)loos click to hear 2 3 unemployed
(het) werk click to
  hear work
werken click to hear to work ‑>>

zinloos click to hear 2 pointless, useless, meaningless (de) zin click to hear 2 sense, meaning, use (and many other meanings!) ‑>>

zorgeloos click to hear 2 [worry-less, without worries] carefree zorgen click to hear 2 'worries' ‑>>


ontberingen click to hear 2 3 4 hardships, deprivations

(het) ontbijt click to hear breakfast ‑>> 2
bijten click to hear 2 to bite - probably not related

ontbreken - to lack, be missing
Dat ontbrak er nog maar aan! click to hear That was still missing from it! - Another unpleasant complication, adding to the misery De wil ontbreekt click to hear 2 3 4 The will is lacking, there is no willingness
breken click to hear to crack, to break - a strong verb:
breken - brak - gebroken click to hear
to break - broke - broken

ontdekken click to hear to discover ‑>>
dekken click to hear can mean 'to cover' and bedekken click to hear 2 mostly means 'to cover' ‑>>

onthoofden click to hear 2 3 to decapitate, cut off the head (het) hoofd click to hear head (human or horse)

onthouden click to hear 2 3 1. to remember (not forget)
2. to withhold (not give)
3. to abstain from, stay away from something
Ik kan het niet onthouden click to hear 2 I can't keep it in mind, it keeps slipping from my mind, I keep forgetting (de) geheelonthouder click to hear 2 teetotaler, person staying away from alcohol onthoudingsverschijnselen click to hear 2 withdrawal symptoms
Houden click to hear 2 3 4 to 'hold,' 'to keep' ‑>>

onthutsend click to hear 2 shocking root word unknown

ontkennen click to hear 2 to deny, say it isn't true ‑>> kennen click to hear to know (people) // to be familiar with ‑>>

ontknoping click to hear 2 3 ending where the various story lines are resolved, made clear or a decision taken (denouement) (de) knoop click to hear 2 knot // button
de knoop doorhakken click to hear 2 'cutting (through) the knot' - taking a decision after long deliberations

ontkomen click to hear 2 3 to escape, evade
komen click to hear to come ‑>>
See also:  'onontkoombaar' click to hear 2 3 slow - above

ontluchten click to hear 2 to ventilate, let the air out (de) lucht click to hear air

(de) ontmoeting click to hear 2 encounter, meeting
elkaar ontmoeten click to hear 2 3 to meet [each other]' - people) ‑>> The verb moeten click to hear 2 means something like 'have to, must, should, being obliged to' ‑>> - but I don't see what that has to do with 'to meet'

(de) ontploffing click to hear explosion ‑>>
ploffen click to hear 2 3 to thud, flap, pop

ontslaan click to hear 2 to fire (from a job) - to dismiss
(het) ontslag click to hear 2 3 dismissal (from a job) ‑>>
'Slaan' click to hear 2 ‑>> means 'to slap, hit' - that doesn't make sense as the root word for 'ontslaan'

ontsnappen click to hear 2 3 to escape
Hij wist te ontsnappen click to hear 2 3 He was able to escape ‑>> Ze hielp hem ontsnappen click to hear 2 3 She helped him escape ‑>> 'Snappen' click to hear 2 3 usually means 'to understand'
Ik snap 't click to hear 2 3 I understand (it) ~ I see
- but 'snappen'  can also mean something like 'to catch red-handed' and maybe that's distantly related to 'ontsnappen'

zich ontspannen click to hear 2 3 to relax ‑>>
Ontspan je! click to hear 2 'Relax!'
Je moet je ontspannen click to hear 2 3 'You should relax!' spannend click to hear 2 exciting, thrilling
... en dan wordt 't spannend click to hear ... and then it'll get exciting

ontstaan click to hear 2 3 to originate, come into being
ontstaan - ontstond - ontstaan click to hear
staan click to hear to stand, to be standing ‑>>

(de) ontsteking click to
      hear inflammation, infection ‑>>
(de) longontsteking click to hear ['lung infection'] - pneumonia
(de) blindedarmontsteking click to
hear ['blind-gut infection'] - appendicitis
(de) voorhoofdsholteontsteking click to hear 2 3 'sinus infection'
steken click to hear 2 to stab, sting, stick, put
steken - stak - gestoken click to hear
to sting - stung - stung

(het) ontwerp click to hear 2 design, plan
werpen click to hear 2 to throw
werpen - wierp - geworpen click to hear
to throw - threw - thrown

ontwikkelen click to hear 2 to develop
(de) ontwikkeling click to hear development ‑>>
'Wikkelen' click to hear 2 means something like 'to wrap by winding something around' (like for instance bandaging) so 'ontwikkelen'  literally means something is unwrapped by unwinding the cover.
also:  ingewikkeld click to hear (ingewikkelde click to hear 2 3) complicated

(het) ontzet click to hear 2 3 'relief' - the lifting of (het) beleg click to hear the 'siege' of a town (in the Middle Ages and the 16th and 17th Centuries.) Leidens ontzet click to hear the lifting of the siege of Leyden (October 3rd, 1574) zetten click to hear to put, place, set, position - probably not the root word

ontzien click to hear 2 to spare, save, ~to pass over
zien click to hear to see ‑>> - probably not the root word

verontreinigd click to hear contaminated, polluted, fouled
verontreinigd met click to hear 2 3 contaminated, polluted, fouled by 'rein' click to hear 2 is an old-fashioned word for 'clean' or 'pure' ‑>>

verontrustend click to hear 2 alarming, worrisome, troubling
(de) rust click to hear 2 'rest,' time of relaxation, nap or sleep ‑>>

verontschuldigingen click to hear 2 excuses, apologies
zich verontschuldigen click to hear 2 3 to apologize, offer excuses
(de) schuld click to hear 1. debt, money owed
2. fault, blame

[bicycle tire note]
I bought some German bicycle tires, 'Schwalbe Marathon Plus.' This being a German company I assume 'unplattbar' is good German (it sounds funny to me.) But 'onplatbaar' is not good Dutch. There is no Dutch verb 'platten' (there is a verb 'pletten' - to flatten, crush) and 'flat tire' is 'lekke band' in Dutch. 'Kan niet lek' click to hear 2 3 4 (can't be punctured) would be better.

email - Copyright © Marco Schuffelen 2021. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed, or hotlinked to.

Gij zult niet stelen click to hear 'Thou shalt not steal'